Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Winter Wonderland

I had the great fortune of making it out to Colorado once a month for this winter ski season. something about being in those white mountains, whether the sky be blue or full of flurries, just takes all my stress away. I am never happier than when soaring down the slopes and challenging myself to go faster, ski the bumps, conquer a double, or find fresh powder to make fresh tracks through. This tradition of skiing not only comes from childhood, but also college, and now reunions with college friends, and the best part is the love of my life shares this same passion, too. Well, perhaps not the same level of passion that I feel when I ride that first chair up, but he certainly seems to enjoy the winter sport as much as I do (at least enough to keep going back with me winter after winter).

Our group this year at the third at Winter Park

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