Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Cheer

I really wish I had more time to write lately. The end of the semester is always packed full for teachers. However, now I have time to relax in Minnesota, watch some snowy weather outside, and enjoy my favorite Christmas past time-- sipping on holiday themed beverages.
This year I am experimenting with Bailey's and Amaretto. Nothing soothes a shopped-out soul like a good martini by the fire, with reruns on TV, and your family dog chasing after you to go for a walk.
I am not a nostalgic person usually, but we certainly have our family traditions, and as the children in the family (4 of us) we refuse to let go of them. We HAVE to open gifts Christmas Eve, with one exception from Santa, who still visits. We always wake up early and search through the stockings first. We usually go to church when our parents are singing or playing in the band, but we always dress up in festive outfits. We all eat dinner together, and we can't open gifts until mom has declared that the table is sufficiently clean and all left overs are stored away. This killed us as kids. Oh, and dad usually procrastinates a bit more and pretends to do odds and ends to torture us. At least he isn't still trying to get us to perform family Christmas songs on video anymore...